Dr. Megan Koschnick presents on the Developmentally Inappropriate Common Core–Video Released

The official video has been released and we have posted it below.  This release has had the visual presentation edited to include slides that were shown during the presentation.

This video is a must watch.  Watch it yourself and share it widely.  This video needs to be viewed by every school administrator, school board member, legislator, teacher, and parent.  Make the time to watch this—it will be well worth it.  It will help you understand why young children may be coming home from school stressed and bewildered instead of thrilled and overjoyed.

Truth in American Education has a great write up about the presentation called Early Childhood Standards of Common Core are Developmentally Inappropriate.

Child clinical psychologist, Dr. Megan Koschnick, presents on how the Common Core Standards are developmentally inappropriate for young students at a conference held at Notre Dame. The event was sponsored by American Principles Project.

8 thoughts on “Dr. Megan Koschnick presents on the Developmentally Inappropriate Common Core–Video Released

  1. Thank you for this informative presentation! As a father, grandfather and pastor I’m very concerned about the Common Core Curriculum. Parents must refuse to allow their children to be used as social guinea pigs.

  2. Thank you for posting this. I will share widely. I am very concerned about the Common Core, especially at the early grades about which she speaks. My son should be in kindergarten this year, but I cannot bear to see him subjected to so much that is developmentally inappropriate, and I cannot bear to see his childhood stripped away to make room for such nonsense.

  3. Pingback: Dr. Megan Koschnick presents on the Developmentally Inappropriate Common Core–Video Released | The Plain Satisfactions

  4. On the Kindergarten Math Standards – Children can be trained like circus seals to regurgitate the right answers. It’s meaningless unless they understand it, which they don’t. This is ludicrous. Pushing these standards on children is inappropriate and it’s child abuse. That system of education we laud, because it is so wonderful, in Finland – they don’t even start teaching real math concepts until 7 years old. Go figure. But here, it’s a Race To The Top!

    There was not a single Child Psychologist or Developmental Psychologist on either the CCSSI Standards Development Team or the CCSSI Validation Committee. Five of the 29 members of the Validation Committee refused to sign off on the standards. Their formal objections and express refusals were excluded from the official record and from the committee’s final report.

    Click to access 2010COMMONCOREK12TEAM.PDF


    Sandra Stotsky on the “Standards”

    James Milgram testimony before Texas Legislature

    Listen to the people speaking after Sen. Bill Ligon:

    Ze’ev Wurman

    More on CC Math

    Click to access ednext_20123_Forum.pdf

  5. From a teacher sharing a message from a parent:

    This is an example of why I am fighting so hard to get information into people’s hands so they can make decisions instead of just going with what they are told by the media outlets–ultimately though, I fight so hard because I love my students and they deserve so much better than what they are getting in education. I want better for each and every child.

    From a parent:

    “I had a real Common Core eye-opening, personal experience today when I volunteered in my youngest daughters kindergarten class today. I was asked by the teacher to pre-assess them on addition/subtraction. We are nearing 4 weeks in school and I was surprised of my task. She gave me the option to not do it since she knows how I feel, but I decided to go ahead. I can’t even explain the rising of tears and emotions when 75% of the children looked to me for answers and were totally confused. Most have never seen addition/subtraction problems and my heart broke every time one said “I can’t do this” or “I don’t understand”. Assessing children on things they haven’t even been exposed to is WRONG! It sets them up for failure right at the beginning of school and the look of discouragement on their faces…broke my heart! Why shatter their spirit so young when they haven’t even discovered the true love of learning? That’s NOT rigor, that’s plain inhumane! #stopcommoncore

  6. Pingback: Common Core’s Incomprehensible Third Grade Math Problem | www.independentsentinel.com

  7. AWESOME, articulate presentation!!! I’m sending it to the superintendent of my school district and my principal, as well as all the Kindergarten teachers in my district!! I may not have a job next year, but at least I will know in my heart that I tried.

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